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An Introduction

We have welcomed guidance from Government that a virtual viewing should precede a physical viewing in order to hone the interest of potential property purchasers in order to comply with social distancing rules. This guidance provides an opportunity to whet the appetite of your viewers as well as ensuring that we only bring serious viewers to your property during the COVID-19 lock-down.

Step 1

To create a virtual viewing of your house is pretty straight forward and does not need to be anything more than a smartphone video of you walking through your property, following these points:
  • Hold the phone lengthways (landscape) rather than upright

Step 2

Switch the camera to video and press the red button

Step 3

Holding the camera at head height, walk through your home from the front door into each of the rooms

Step 4

The video does not need to be lengthy but does need to give an honest overview of the property

Step 5

Once complete, send the video via WeTransfer to

WeTransfer is a free file sharing platform. Open your internet browser, type WeTransfer and open the website. In the ‘To’ box, type In the ‘From’ box, type your email. In the ‘Message’ box please type your name and property address including postcode. Then attach the file using the upload option, navigating to your photo / video library and press send. The upload may take a few minutes as the file is likely to be large so grab yourself a coffee.

Request a Free Valuation

Your property price can change depending on a number of external influences. Why not find out what our expert opinion is, without any obligation.

Please tell us about you